My Pink Coat

I can’t really think of much to write about today so I’m going to talk about my pink raincoat.

I spent most of my childhood & teenage years as a tomboy.  I grew up on a farm & spent endless days outside playing in the dirt.  I preferred to play with tractors than my Barbie doll.  I enjoyed playing with the piglets in the back yard.

As I reached my twenties a curious thing began to happen…suddenly I’d find myself liking lusting after an item girly & pink.  Usually I’d quash that feeling & if I had to have the shirt, pants, skirt etc I’d buy blue.  Pink was too girly & I was better than that. (I know, I know I was insane.) When I met my better half I noticed that more pink, girly things began to appear around me.  Nail polish (I’ve always kept my nails nice just never pink), clothes, shoes, purses, and tchotches made an appearance.

The culmination of all this pink-ness came about 2 years ago when I was *gasp* shopping in Wal-Mart.  (I do try to avoid this as usually my sense of style is exceedingly horrified by it but sometimes a girl needs a huge package of toilet paper!)

To my delight I saw the most perfect coat.  Bright, bubble-gum pink with slash pockets, trench coat styling & a fantastic silky lining with a white background covered in daisies.  Oh, it’s also waterproof…perfect for the wet spring days.  And in a size that fits!  Wonder of wonders….  Alas I did not have the shekels to purchase this most sublime representation of all that is feminine. Now my most amazing spouse had noted all this delight over the coat.  He snuck off one day from work & brought the coat home as a gift.  He was well rewarded for such charming behavior!

I’ took that coat out of the closet earlier this week & carefully buttoned it up.  I tied the sash around my middle (let’s face it I don’t really have a waist). My confidence skyrocketed!  “Wow!!  I’m stunning”, said the little voices in my head.  At work several people told me what a great coat I had.  “That’s right, it’s great, I’m great, life is great”, said the voices.

From now on when ever I need a little ego boost I’m heading right for that coat so I can remind myself how confident & feminine a little pink can be.

my pink coat